Saturday, September 19, 2015

The Serenity Project.

Are you feeling OVERWHELMED?  Ever feel like you don't have enough TIME?  Are you busy with your family, job, planning a wedding, school, etc..??  But you'd really like to find BALANCE in your life to FOCUS on your HEALTH, spend time with LOVED ONES, and manage DAILY DEMANDS? 😳
I am with you! This is what led me to this project, to merge a passion of mine with my fitness groups.  We all get the same 168 hours a week. No more. No less. And too many of us are missing out on too much... We were made for more!  
Our health is just as important as our daily demands and our loved ones!  You must realize that, making YOURSELF a PRIORITY is ESSENTIAL to being able to HELP anyone else.  Your HEALTH is IMPORTANT to your overall WELL-BEING. ❤️
The SERENITY PROJECT will focus on: 
- FITNESS (nutrition and workouts)
- FREEDOM (time)
Within 4 weeks we will learn to overcome the rush of daily demands, cure the disease to people please, find the time to make yourself a priority, and refocus by putting your GOALS into ACTION empowering you make them a reality. 💪🏼
Don't you think it is time to COMMIT to making YOU a PRIORITY?  Every ACCOMPLISHMENT starts with the DECISION to TRY. 👍🏻 The only thing holding you back is YOU!     
Choose your FITNESS program -> PiYo (Sept. special), the 21-Day Fix (and extreme), Cize, and more! 
LIMITED spots available.  To be considered for my online fitness group or obtain more info please COMMENT below.  ☺️

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