Thursday, September 24, 2015

Easy Berry Crumble.

3-Step Easy Berry Crumble. 


- 1/2 c. of plain organic Greek yogurt 
- 1 c. of a frozen organic berry fruit blend
- 1 sprinkle of chia seeds
- 2 tbsp. of whole grain blend granola

1). Place the cup of berries in a small mug or cup and heat for a minute. You don't want the berries mushy or soft.  You are trying to thaw them to be edible and firm. 

2).  Take the berries out of the microwave and place the Greek yogurt on top.  Just like you would whipped cream! 

3).  Sprinkle granola and chia seeds on top and eat! 

This Berry Crumble is healthier than fruit on the bottom yogurt or ice cream!  It makes a great snack or dessert!

And it is 21-Day Fix Approved!

1/2 red - Protein (Greek yogurt)
1 purple - Fruit
Less than 1/2 of 1 yellow - Carb (Granola)

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