Wednesday, February 18, 2015

My conversation with God this morning

My conversation with God this morning:  You see, I thought my business and life should go one way. Then God said... nope, that is not what I have planned for you!  Not the safe path.  Remember the one I told you to take long ago?  Yes, that one!  The one with bumps along the road and big, scary audacious goals!  Yes, that one!  The one that you fear, because you think it is impossible to accomplish.  Yes, that one!   

Did you forget I am a God of the impossible?  Did you forget I have made a way in the wilderness?  Did you forget that I can move mountains?  Nothing is impossible for me!  Release it all to me.  I will open doors man cannot open.  I will provide resources in a way that seems impossible to others. I will take what you see as broken and turn it into something beautiful.  I will shatter all the insecurities and fears the world has burdened your heart with, in its place I will fill you with my peace, love, and confidence.  

Oh my sweet princess, let me remind you who you are in Christ.  You are royalty.  You are a daughter of the most high.  You are forgiven.  You are loved.  You are beautiful.  You are strong.  You are confident.  You are loved.  You are mine.  And I will withhold nothing good from those who are mine... The enemy cannot lay a hand on you or harm you for you have been bought with a price, with the precious blood of my son Jesus.  

♥ Oh to be loved by God.  There is nothing like it... Best conversation we've had in a long time and one I desperately needed.  

Marisa Isabel 

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